Monday, November 5, 2012

Post-Trials Update -- Pictures

The video on the previous post appears not to be working, so here are pictures of our setup:

This is a picture of the car in the wind tunnel. The force sensor is hooked to the front of the car and runs along a pulley at the end of the wooden block, and comes out the bottom of the wind tunnel to attach to the Lab Quest.

This is a photo of the Lab Quest we used to collect data.

This is a picture of the tablet we used to record data. We entered our data into a spreadsheet in a program similar to Excel.

Post-Trials Progress Update

We are finished conducting data trials and have cleaned up and returned all supplies. The above video is of a trial conducted with our largest dimple size. You can only see the car moving backwards (for filming clarity reasons) but it starts with the wind tunnel being turned on and the Lab Quest being started. We will narrate and explain this with supplementary pictures in the presentation so that there is no confusion. Trials went pretty well overall. We got data, but it was extremely varied. It is hard to tell whether or not dimples affect the drag force on a car without proper statistical analysis. We had some issues with the car not pulling back, but we were able to get 30 samples per dimple type to satisfy the CLT. I would say that trials were successful, even if we cannot determine results without formal analysis.